
DPM’s 2023 Community Engagement, Charitable Initiatives and Causes

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2023 was a remarkable year for DPM in terms of community engagement and charitable initiatives and causes.

We pride ourselves on supporting causes that mean the most to our people and our clients and making a difference where we can.

Here’s how our year went…

Happy Boxes Project 📦

DPM started 2023 with a big office move to a brand new location, but this left us with a whole bunch of cardboard boxes. We knew we had to find a use for them.  We used this opportunity to collect toiletries and other essentials for the Happy Boxes Project, which supports Indigenous women in remote communities. We were really proud with the result, with over 20kgs of products donated.


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Crazy Socks for Docs 🧦

In June, DPM participated in Crazy Socks for Docs, an initiative focused on raising mental health awareness and support among medical practitioners. Embracing our new hybrid way of working employees shared pictures of themselves, their pets, and families wearing crazy socks to show support. We also hosted a livestream with speaker Megan Coburn (@Megscob) and discussed all things self-care and mental health related.


Red Cross Blood Donor Week 🩸

The team participated in Red Cross’ Blood Donor Week in July. A group of DPM team members headed to the Blood Donor Centre to brave the needles and donate some blood. They made sure to have a quick snack to help with their glucose levels and a chat with the Red Cross team. Every person’s donation made that day has the potential to save three lives each! How often do you get to go home and feel like a lifesaver? Well… maybe for you doctors that’s an everyday thing, but for us it’s definitely something we can feel great about.


Trivia Night 🤔

We love a friendly (and maybe just a little competitive) night of trivia and our mid-year trivia event coincided with the launch of our new company values.

Teams competed to earn “DPM Dollars” that could be then be donated to charities aligning with the companies’ new values, these included: Ronald McDonald Charity, Minus 18, Doctors for the Environment and Community Spirit Foundation.

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Movember 🧔🏻

DPM continued its support for Movember, for close to 20 years DPM has encouraged employees to take part in the month, grow moustaches, and raise funds to raise awareness around men’s mental and physical health and promote regular check-ups.

Ten Mo-Bro’s let their moustaches flourish over the course of the month. We also held some games and activities throughout the weeks to get everyone involved and donating, with a lunch and a raffle to wrap things up at the end of the month. We totally smashed our fundraising goal, raising $10,566 in total.


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Starlight Foundation

To end the year, DPM organized a toy drive to support the Starlight Foundation, collecting gifts for sick children at The Melbourne and Sydney Children’s Hospital.

We made a call out to staff to donate some gifts and sure enough over the month of December both Christmas trees in Melbourne and Sydney were overflowing with gifts. There were beautiful arts and craft supplies, board games and beauty sets, however Hot Wheels and Barbies (and maybe a few Kens) were the pick of the year, you can’t beat a classic!

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Overall, DPM had a fulfilling year of giving back to the community, supporting various causes, and fostering a culture of compassion and engagement among its employees. We have another big year in store supporting some of our favourite charities, which have now become DPM traditions, and discovering some new charities and initiatives.

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